Freshzone® UV Ozoniser

Freshzone® UV Ozoniser

Ozone (O3) is nature’s germicide. It destroys bacteria, molds and viruses. Freshzone® Unit is to reduce airborne micro-organism, thus eliminating malodour in its process.


The basic component of the Freshzone® Unit is an UV Lamp which emits UV light at 185nm bandwidth to generate a consistent, pre-set and safe volume of ozone into the atmosphere.  This smart method of using UV technology to generate ozone (O3) is much safer and effective than the commonly used corona discharger which generates non-consistent and uncontrollable volume of ozone together with other unwanted elements.


The Freshzone® unit is designed in such a way that the UV Lamp is not exposed directly to end users. The average ozone concentration at 0.02 ppm is very much within the safety guideline of 0.05 ppm set by the US Food and Drug Administration and World Health Organization.


Objectives of the Freshzone® Unit

  • Keeps the work environment safe and hygienic.
  • Reduces the risk of cross-infection from airborne micro-organism.
  • Safeguards staff and customers with a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • Eliminates unpleasant malodour.


Suitable for

Bin centres, hotel rooms, lobbies, smoking floors, gym and washrooms.



Wall-Mounted Unit: Freshzone® I

  • 325(L) x 83(W) x 135(H) mm
  • 240v / 50Hz / 8w / 0.15amps
  • Coverage: 300 sq.ft.*


Wall-Mounted Unit: Freshzone® II

  • 452(L) x 83(W) x 135(H) mm
  • 240v / 50Hz / 20w / 0.37amps
  • Coverage: 900 sq.ft.*


Portable Unit: Chamber-Mate II

  • 320(L) x 160(W) x 80(H) mm
  • 240v / 50Hz / 16w / 0.30amps
  • Coverage: 600 sq.ft. to 800 sq.ft.*


Portable Unit: Chamber-Mate V

  • 500(L) x 210(W) x 150(H) mm
  • 240v / 50Hz / 40w / 0.74AMPS
  • Coverage: 1700 sq.ft.*


*coverage dependent on type of contaminant and condition of ventilation at site.